Saturday, November 1, 2014

Not NaNoWriMo, but Similar

I'm not doing NaNoWriMo because I'm not interested, at the moment, in writing a novel, but I am going to try to write daily and move my Secondary Field work forward every day in November.  I've been thinking I want to kick myself into overdrive, and this is the best way I figure I can do it.  (What do people do about Thanksgiving???!)  There may be some accountability posts coming up.

For today, so far, I have done nothing, nothing, but that's because it's early yet, and I have to be on campus for a service thing.  And despite that it's good work and should be relatively painless, though who knows, service thing = waaaaaaaaaa.  There are times I hate being a professor.  Any time I have to be out of my pajamas on the weekend before noon and have to be on campus, yes, I hate it.  And on that note, I better get myself all gussied up.

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