Friday, June 29, 2007

Insomnia, A Dissertator-in-Love's Best Friend

So I'm all crazy happy and everything, but apparently that doesn't mean anything for insomnia. (We did plan on ten hours of sleep, however, and my body clock is probably off anyway.) So I slept for a good four or five hours, then I was awake and much more clear-headed than I usually am when insomniacal (new word) and -- get this -- I worked! So I'm deep into Chapter 4, the one that really needs a lot of work. And I had gotten work done on the plane.

You know, I had thought that this love thing was going to be all disruptive to work management, but actually I feel so clear-headed and good and like I can do anything that work is actually pretty easy. My father always said that the right person made life easier not harder -- but I'd never experienced until now. I thought he was a crazy romantic. Now I see I was just a cynic. Very odd.


Anonymous said...

So, um, I hate to bring up a potentially sore subject but I've been reading this saga with great interest and I can't help wondering: Does SO know about this new/old love in your life? What are you going to do about SO anyway? And is this new/old love going to become unattached (and therefore technically available) any time soon? Some of us are dying to know ....

Maude said...

love and happiness does make things much easier. i mean, i've gotten so much more done since i moved in with the soldier boy than i have since january. it's good.

medieval woman said...

your dad is a very sharp guy! I love that saying...

Earnest English said...

Shelley: Not to worry. When Once and Present Lover left my house a couple weeks ago, I told SO immediately. And he was surprisingly understanding, knowing how it is when love just takes its big bat and whacks you over the head. Also, SO is a huge fan of the blog. OPL went home and told his wife then -- and she's needed time to sift things out. But considering I didn't even get his note until June 8, it's all happening really fast. It's a whirlwind. This time last month, I was a hardened cynic about love and marriage. And now I want nothing more than to marry that man. It's all kind of heady, realizing how much I've suppressed in myself that has all come bubbling up.

Thanks for your support, all. I know it's a crazy situation, most people's nightmares that all of the sudden one's partner would get an itch to get in touch with an old lover because he just can't get her out of his mind. Oy!