Saturday, July 28, 2007

Super-Do Saturday

Today, I'm up at a decent time after spending a late night with Similarly Self-Reflective and Fabulous Friend. (We had fabulous appetizers over at a swank restaurant and then stayed up talking. What fun!) I've even managed to get coffee (not that I took a shower or anything).

Now, I'm happily installed at my writing desk, Mr. Tabby on my lap, and I'm going to try to get stuff done. Yes! You guessed it! It's time for to-do lists!
  1. Go through Peppy Advisor's edits.
  2. Finish dastardly Works Cited citations.
  3. Collect all the separate files into one uber-dissertation file. (optional)
  4. Attempt managing the page numbering problem. (optional)
  5. Attempt TOC. (optional)
  6. Go to liquor store.
  7. Go to grocery.
  8. Buy flowers! (Only icky flowers at the store. Why didn't I go to the farmer's market? Why, why, why?)
  9. Clean up the house, especially the crazy table.
  10. Work out in some fashion. (Doh! Cleaning is working out!)
  11. Shower.

You know what a to-do list means: lots of boring updates! Happy Saturday!


medieval woman said...

you go girl!

Sisyphus said...

Ooh, swank restaurants!

I went out but we just had beers at a pub-type place for a friend's birthday. I was one of the sad and pitiful (well I would say low-key) people who went home instead of moving on to the hard liquor for the second phase of the night.

I cleaned some stuff! Now I have very important blogs to read and comment on as part of my next project.

Have a good and productive rest of the weekend!